2006年本科毕业于北京理工大学澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址物理系,2011于北京师范大学核科学与技术专业获博士学位,之后进入清华大学物理系开展博士后期间的工作,现为澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址(中国)集团有限公司教师。至今在Physical Review A, Optics Express, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics等国际知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,论文Google scholar总引用1000余次,H因子20.
3 .芯片上光学微腔的实验和理论研究
1. Tie-Jun Wang*, Guan-Qun Yang and Chuan Wang*, Control power of high-dimensional controlled teleportation, Physical Review A 101, 012323(2020).
2. Wen-Ling Xu, Xiao-Fei Liu, Yang Sun, Yong-Pan Gao, Tie-Jun Wang*, and Chuan Wang, Magnon-induced chaos in an optical -symmetric resonator, Physical Review E 101, 012205 (2020).
3. Wen-Ling Xu, Tie-Jun Wang*, and Chuan Wang, Efficient Teleportation for High Dimensional Quantum Computin, IEEE Access 7,115331(2019).
4. Bo Lu, Xiao-Fei Liu* Yong-Pan Gao, Cong Cao,Tie-Jun Wang* and Chuan Wang, Berry phase in an anti-PT symmetric metal-semiconductor complex syste, Optics Express 27, 22237 (2019).
5. Yi-Lin Liu, Miao-Wei Wang, Chun-Yu Bai, and Tie-Jun Wang*, Asymmetrical Bell state analysis for photon-atoms hybrid syste,SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 62, 120311(2019).
6. De-Zhi Chen, Chang Shi, and Tie-Jun Wang*, Efficient hyperentanglement purification using a Λ-system coupled with a whispering-gallery-mode, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35, 423 (2018).
7. Tie-Jun Wang, Si-Chen Mi,Chuan Wang*, Hyperentanglement purification using imperfect spatial entanglement, Optics Express 25, 2969(2017).
8. Ling Yan He, Tie-Jun Wang* and Chuan Wang, Construction of high dimensional universal quantum logic gates using a Λ-system coupled with a whispering gallery-mode microresonat-or, Optics Express 24, 15429(2016).
9. Tie-Jun Wang and Chuan Wang, Complete hyperentangled-Bellstate analysis for photonic qubits assisted by a three-level Λ-type system, Scientific Reports 6,19497(2016).
10. Si-Chen Mi, Chuan Wang,Tie-Jun Wang* , Hyperentanglement purification with linear optics assisted by W-state, Quantum Information Processing,14, 623(2016).
11. Tie-Jun Wang, and Chuan Wang*, High-efficient entanglement distillation from photon loss and decoherence, Optics Express 23, 31550(2015).
12. Tie-Jun Wang, Lei-Lei Liu, Ru Zhang, Cong Cao and Chuan Wang*, One-step hyperentanglement purification and hyperdistillation with linear optics, Optics Express 23, 9284(2015).
13. Tie-Jun Wang, Chuan Wang, Parallel quantum computing teleportation for spin qubits in spin-cavity coupled system, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 21, 1(2015).
14. Ling-Yan He, Tie-Jun Wang*, Yong-Pan Gao, Cong Cao, and Chuan Wang*, Discerning electromagnetically induced transparency from Autler-Townes splitting in plasmonic waveguide and coupled resonators system, Optics Express 23, 23817(2015).
15. Chuan Wang, Wei-Wei Shen, Si-Chen Mi, Yong Zhang, and Tie-Jun Wang*, Concentration and distribution of entanglement based on valley qubits system in graphene, Science Bulletin 60 2016(2015).
16. Tie-Jun Wang, Cong Cao, Chuan Wang*, Linear-optical implementation of hyper-distillation from photon loss. Physical Review A 89, 052303 (2014).
17. Tie-Jun Wang and Chuan Wang*, Universal hybrid three-qubit quantum gates assisted by a nitrogen-vacancy center coupled with a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator. Physical Review A,90, 052310(2014).
18. Ling-Yan He, Tie-jun Wang* and Chuan Wang, High-Dimensional Bell State Analysis for Photon-Atoms Hybrid Syste, International Journal of Theoretical Physic 58, 451(2019).
19. Yun-Ming Ma and Tie-Jun Wang*, High-dimensional Controlled-phase Gate Between a 2N -dimensional Photon and N Three-level Artificial Atoms, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56, 3068(2017).
20. Zhuo-Ru Jian, Guang-Sheng Jin, and Tie-Jun Wang*,Efficient Quantum Secure Direct Communication Using the Orbital Angular Momentum of Single Photons, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55, 1811 (2016).