鞠红杰,2010年博士毕业于清华大学,2010.7-2012.7在北京师范大学从事博士后研究工作,2012年7月至今在集团工作. 主讲《高等数学》、《概率论与随机过程》公共基础课程。
1. 全非线性偏微分方程与相关曲率流,包括Monge-Ampere方程、平均曲率流、高斯曲率流等;
2. 复合材料中的椭圆方程(组),包括超传导方程、Lame方程组等.
1、 Bao J.G., Ju H.J. and Li H.G., optimal boundary gradient estimates for Lame systems with partially infinite coefficients, Advances in Mathematics, 314,583-629, 2017.
2、 Liu Y.N. and Ju H.J., Non-Collapsing for fully nonlinear inverse curvature flow, Commu. Pure Appl. Anal., 16(3), 945-952,2017.
3、 Ju H.J. and Liu Y.N.,Dirichlet problem for anisotropic prescribed mean curvature equation on unbounded domains, Journal Math. Anal. Appl., 439,709-724,2016.
4、 Liu Y.N. and Ju H.J., Evolution of convex hypersurfaces by a fully nonlinear flow, Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A., 130, 47-58,2016.
5、 Ju H.J. and Bao J.G. ,On the exterior Dirichlet problem for Monge-Ampere equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 405, 475-483, 2013.
6、 Ju H.J., Bao J.G. and Jian H.Y., Existence for translating solutions of Gauss curvature flow on exterior domains. Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A., 75 (8),3629- 3640, 2012.
7、 Jian H.Y. and Ju H.J., Existence of translating solutions to the flow by powers of mean curvature on unbounded domains, Journal of Differential Equations, 250 (10), 3967-3987, 2011.
8、 Ju H.J., Lu J. and Jian H.Y., Translating solutions to mean curvature flow with a forcing term in Minkowski space, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 9(4), 963-973, 2010.
9、 Jian H.Y ., Ju H.J. and Sun W., Traveling fronts of a mean curvature flow with external force field. Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 9(4), 975-986, 2010.
10、Gui C.F., Jian H.Y. and Ju H.J., Properties of translating solutions to mean curvature flow. Discrete Cont. Dyn. Systems (A), 28(2), 441-453, 2010.
1. 拉格朗日平均曲率方程奇点的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(合作),参与,2019.1.1-2022.12.31;
2. 有关四阶Monge-Ampere型方程若干问题的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2014.1.1-2016.12.31.
3. 几何测度论与最优运输问题短期公司与学术会议,国家自然科学基金国际交流与合作项目,2013.1.1-2013.12.31.