报告题目:Bank monitoring incentives under moral hazard and adverse selection
报告人:Chao Zhou
In this paper, we extend the optimal securitization model of Possamaï and Pagès between an investor and a bank to a setting allowing both moral hazard and adverse selection. Following the recent approach to these problems of Cvitanić, Wan and Yang, we characterize explicitly and rigorously the so-called credible set of the continuation and temptation values of the banks, and obtain the value function of the investor as well as the optimal contracts through a recursive system of first-order variational inequalities with gradient constraints. We provide a detailed discussion of the properties of the optimal menu of contracts. This is a joint work with Nicolás Hernández Santibáñez and Dylan Possamaï.
周超博士,硕士毕业于法国的巴黎九大和国立经济管理和统计公司,拥有巴黎综合理工大学工程师文凭,博士也毕业于巴黎综合理工大学。他现为新加坡国立大学数学系助理教授和量化金融中心研究员,参与新加坡国立大学量化金融硕士在国内的招生工作。他主要研究金融数学和随机控制,并在这些方向获得一些很好的结果,其中的一部分发表在多个国际权威的数学、金融杂志上,如:The Annals of Probability、The Annals of Applied Probability、Mathematical Finance、Stochastic Processes and their Applications等。
巴黎综合理工大学(École Polytechnique)在法国隶属于法国国防部,是法国最顶尖且最富盛名的工程师大学。国际知名数学家:柯西(Augustin Louis Cauchy)、泊松(Simeon-Denis Poisson )、庞加莱(Jules Henri Poincaré)等毕业该大学。