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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第118期——Optical pulling, trapping and Raman spectroscopy of absorbing airborne particles and bioaerosols

报告题目:Optical pulling, trapping and Raman spectroscopy of absorbing airborne particles and bioaerosols

报告人:Yong-Qing Li (East Carolina University)





Optical pulling is the attraction of objects back to the light source by the use of optically inducednegative forces. The idea of optical pulling is counterintuitive to the commonexpectation that an object will be accelerated along the light propagation direction by radiation pressure. Here, we demonstrate the first experiment that micron-sized absorbing aerosol particles can be optically pulled and manipulated over a meter-scale distance with a collimated laser beam using negative photophoretic force. The laser induced negative photophoretic force is generated by the momentum transfer between the heating particles and surrounding gas molecules and can be several orders of magnitude larger than the radiation force and gravitation force. The micro- particles are pulled towards the light source at a constant speed of 1-10 cm/s in the optical pulling pipeline. The moving speed of individual particles can be controlled by changing the laser intensity. A variety of micro-sized particles including carbon nano-clusters, smut biological cells, iron filings and copper oxide powders can be pulled by this optical pipeline to the region where they are optically trapped and their chemical compositions are characterized with Raman spectroscopy. Optical pulling over large distances with lasers in combination with Raman spectroscopy opens up potential applications for the collection and analysis of single aerosol particles.


黎永青(Yong-Qing Li)教授,1983年获中山大学物理学学士学位,1989年获中科院上海光机所博士学位。1991-1992年任中科院上海光机所副研究员。1992-1999年分别在德国马普量子光学研究所。澳大利亚堪培拉大学及美国阿肯色大学做博士后。1999年8月任东卡罗莱纳大学物理系助理教授,2005年终身副教授,2011年晋升正教授,现为美国东卡罗莱纳大学终身正教授,博士导师。曾获中科院青年科学家奖(1991年),国务院特殊津贴(1991年),美国Oak Ridge全美大学联合会青年教授奖(2000年)。

黎永青教授主要从事原子相干效应、非经典光场产生及应用、生物医学光学等研究,在过去二十年间在PRL, PRA, APL, Optics Letters, Nature Protocols,Analytical Chemistry, mBio, J Bacteriol, AEM 等国际著名学术期刊上发表论文200篇以上。黎永青教授是单细胞光镊拉曼光谱分析及分子成像技术的发明人,曾在光场的量子效应,电磁感应透明(EIT),及微生物单细胞生命过程的光学分析等领域获得多项原创性研究成果。其中单细胞光镊拉曼光谱技术被国际激光和光电子学会(CLEO)列为2003年度最重要的三项重要新技术并举行了专题新闻发布会。曾独立和参与主持10多项由美国国防部(DoD),陆军研究部(ARO),卫生部(NIH)及国家基金会(NSF)支持的科研项目(约8百万美元),并获中国国家自然科学基金(CNSF)海外学者合作项目的支持,长期担任包括Nature子刊,Analytical Chemistry 及Optics Letters等十几种国际著名学术期刊的评审委员和审稿人,曾任中科院上海光机所,中山大学,华中科技大学及广西医科大学等院校的客座教授。