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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第111期——Dry Active matter: An update and recent progress

报告人:Hugues Chaté

主持人:兰岳恒 教授




He will introduce the new emerging field of active matter that deals with the collective properties of self-propelled particles, and then focus on the 'dry' case where the fluid in which the particles move can be neglected. He will present their current knowledge and some recent advances, and argue that statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics tools are necessary for a theoretical understanding of active matter, even in this case.


Hugues Chaté is a senior scientist at CEA-Saclay, France. He has written over 150 scientific papers, with about a third published in Physical Review Letters, which have now been cited more than 6000 times for an h-index of 43.

He served on the board on Physical Review E. He was nominated Lead Editor of Physical Review Letters, after serving 6 years as a Divisional Associate Editor. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and a laureate of the 1000 Talents program of the Chinese government. He recently took a Chair Professor position at the Beijing Computational Science Research Center.

His research covers a wide range of topics ranging from nonlinear dynamics to statistical physics and critical phenomena to active matter.