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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第110期——The topological glass

报告人: Matthew Turner

主持人:兰岳恒 教授




The topological state of ring polymers that are unable to undergo strand crossing events is conserved. This provides a strong constraint on both their static and dynamic properties. We are interested in the dynamics of concentrated solutions of ring polymers, in particular those synthesised in the unknotted and unlinked state. By employing Langevin dynamics-based simulations we study the properties of these systems both (i) embedded in a gel and (ii) in solution but with a finite fraction of the chains immobilised. By analysing these results we are able to show for the first time that inter-ring threadings exist, that they can be long lived and that they slow the overall dynamics. For very long rings we discuss how this may give rise to a novel state of matter that we refer to as a “topological glass”.


Prof Turner obtained his PhD from Cambridge University in 1991 under the direction of Prof Mike Cates, now Lucasian professor. He is currently a professor of Physics at Warwick University in England. In recent years he has enjoyed visiting positions in France, including Joliot-Curie and Mayant-Rothschild chairs at ESPCI and Institut Curie. His interests lie in soft and active matter physics and their interface with living systems.