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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第95期——Diffusion-Aggregation Equations

报告题目:Diffusion-Aggregation Equations

报告人: Prof. Dr. Li Chen (Chair Professor,University of Mannheim, Germany)





In this talk, I will give a short introduction on the rigorous derivation of the diffusion aggregation equations from many particle stochastic systems with different interaction potentials. Afterwards, an overview of the analytical results, which includes the global existence and finite time blow-up results on different kinds of diffusion aggregation equations.


Li Chen is a chair professor of mathematics in University of Mannheim, Germany. Her current research interests are on “Applied analysis” , mainly focused on partial differential equations and their applications in other sciences such as physics, biology and economy. Please see her website for more information.
