报告题目:Global quasi-neutral limit of Euler-Maxwell systems
报告人:彭跃军 教授(法文名:Richard Peng)
We consider smooth solutions to the Cauchy problem for an isentropic Euler-Maxwell system with small physical parameters. For initial data uniformly close to constant equilibrium states, we prove the global-in-time convergence of the system as the parameters go to zero. The proof of the result relies on a single uniform energy estimate with respect to the time and the parameters, together with compactness arguments. For this purpose, the classical energy estimates for the symmetrizable hyperbolic systems are not sufficient. We construct a Lyapunov type energy by controlling the divergence and the curl of the velocity, the electric and magnetic fields.
彭跃军教授(法文名:Richard Peng),1983年7月获得复旦大学应用数学学士学位, 1986年7月获得复旦大学应用数学硕士学位, 1992年1月获得法国里昂第一大学应用数学博士学位。先后在同济大学,法国里昂高等师范公司,法国奥尔良大学和法国波尔多第一大学做博士后或工作,从1995年起至今在法国克莱蒙菲朗第二大学做终身教授。主要研究方向为非线性双曲型偏微分方程组及在等离子体和半导体模型中的应用。已在国际数学权威期刊发表80余篇学术论文。