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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第88期——Same, Same, but different: a mostly discrete tour through optimization

报告题目:Same, Same, but different: a mostly discrete tour through optimization

报告人:Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch





This talk will give a short tour through topics in mathematical optimization. Though the topics are quite diverse, they also have a lot in common. The tour will start at mixed-integer non-linear optimization (MINLP), proceed to mixed-integer optimization (MILP), it will then make short detour to linear programming (LP) and Exact solutions, then proceed to algorithms, software, modelling, and parallel computing, jumping to gas networks, from there visit Steiner tree problems, and finally arrive back at MIP.


Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch is director of the area Mathematical Optimization Methods and Scientific Information of the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) and Professor for Software and Algorithms for Discrete Optimization at TU-Berlin. He has worked in several areas, especially the planning of infrastructure networks, chip verification, mathematical education and integer programming. In many of these topics he participated or led joint research projects with industrial partners. In 2010 and 2014 he received a Google Research Awards for Work in parallel mixed Integer programming solvers. From 2008-2014 he was the coordinator of the FORNE project, an industry collaboration project regarding gas transportation involving five universities and two research institutes. The project received the 2016 EURO Excellence in Practice Award of the European OR Society.
