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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第79期—— MeanField Limit and Propagation of Chaos for a Pedestrian Flow model

讲座题目: MeanField Limit and Propagation of Chaos for a Pedestrian Flow model

主讲人:Prof. Dr. Li Chen (Chair Professor, Universityof Mannheim,Germany)


时间:2016年12月26日 ( 周一 ) 上午10:00-11:00



In this talk, the proof of the mean fieldlimit for a pedestrian flow model in two dimensions will be shown by usingprobabilistic methods. The model under investigation is an interacting particlesystem coupled to the eikonal equation on the microscopic scale. For stochasticinitial data, it is proved that the solution of the N-particle pedestrian flowsystem with properly chosen cut-off converges in the probability sense to thesolution of the characteristics of the non-cut-off Vlasov equation.Furthermore, the result on propagation of chaos is also deduced in terms ofbounded Lipschitz distance