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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第68期——Neighborhoods of periodic orbits and the stationary distribution of a noisy chaotic system

讲座题目:Neighborhoods of periodic orbits and the stationary distribution of a noisy chaotic system

主讲人:Domenico博士, 江苏大学





The finest state-space resolution that can be achieved in a physical dynamical system is limited by the presence of noise. In the weak-noise approximation, the stochastic neighborhoods of deterministic periodic orbits can be computed from distributions stationary under the action of a local Fokker-Planck operator and its adjoint. We derive explicit formulas for widths of these distributions in the case of chaotic dynamics, when the periodic orbits are hyperbolic. The resulting neighborhoods form a basis for functions on the attractor. The global stationary distribution, needed for calculation of long-time expectation values of observables, can be expressed in this basis.


Currently, Domenico is a lecturer in Jiangsu University, China. Before that he was a postdoctoral Fellowin TheInstitute for Advanced Study from Oct. 2013 to Oct. 2015 and in ThePusan National University, South Korea. He got his Ph.D. in The Georgia Institute of Technology and his adviser was Prof. Predrag Cvitanovic. He got his master's degree from The University of Bologna, Italy.