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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第61期-Brain Connectivity,Activity and Performance: Perspective from Complex Dynamical Network Systems

报告题目 Brain Connectivity,Activity and Performance: Perspective from Complex Dynamical Network Systems

报告人ZHOU Changsong, Ph.D



主持人肖井华 教授


Brain isdynamical network system with highly complex connectivity and activity patternscrossing multiple scales. It is also a functional system developed in evolutionto optimize multiple functions under various physical and energy constraints.In this talk, I will give an overview of complex brain connectivity, activityand performance from the perspective of dynamical systems and share our recentprojects on the analysis and modeling of complex brain connectivity andactivity from the approaches of complex systems and cost-efficiency trade-off, anddiscuss the relevance to brain diseases.


Dr. ZHOU Changsong,Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Director of Centre for NonlinearStudies, Deputy Director of Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies,Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He obtained his PhD degree at NankaiUniversity, and served as Postdoctoral Fellow at National University ofSingapore (1997-1999), Visiting Research Scholar at HKBU (1999-2000) andHumboldt Research Fellow and Research Scientist at University of Potsdam,Germany (2000-2007). He joined HKBU as Assistant Professor in 2007 and becameAssociate Professor in 2011. He is Associate Member of the Beijing ComputationalScience Research Center. Dr. Zhou’s research interest is dynamical processes oncomplex systems. His current emphasis is on analysis and modeling ofconnectivity and activity in neural systems in collaboration with experimentalneuroscientists, using the approaches of oscillatory dynamics networks andcovering broad scales from network of excitation-inhibition neurons tointeracting functional brain regions and functional EEG and cognitivevariability and disorders. His work has been cited more than 5700 times, withH-index 32. His research work can be found at: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-4707-2010.