讲座题目:What we learn from electric grid failures: stability and synchronization
主 讲 人:纪鹏 博士
The 2006 European blackout was induced by a planned routine disconnection of the Ems power line crossing in Northwest Germany and therein more than 15 million clients did not have access to electricity during almost two hours. The underlying mechanism of the temporal switching off of the local line triggering global effects remains to be answered. To address the question, the relation between grid topology and stability against (even large) perturbations needs to be investigated. In this talk, I will overview related results obtained from our group on stability and synchronization.
纪鹏,2015年9月份在德国柏林洪堡大学获得博士学位 (summa cum laude),导师欧洲科集团院士Prof. J.Kurths,现在工作在德国波茨坦气候研究所。主要研究非线性动力学,电网稳定性,基于二阶Kuramoto模型的同步和稳定性分析。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在物理学综述期刊Physics Reports (影响因子24.5),物理学顶级期刊Physical Review Letters (影响因子7.5),Scientific Reports,Physical Review E,European Letter等期刊发表多篇SCI文章. 其中Physical Review Letters文章2年引用达到50次以上。