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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第26期——5G Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks-Insight and Challenges

讲座题目: 5G Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks-Insight and Challenges

主讲人:彭木根 教授(国家自然科学优青基金获得者)

主持人:徐坤 教授




Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) have attracted intense interest from both academia and industry to potentially improve spatial reuse and coverage, thus allowing cellular systems to achieve higher data rates, while retaining the seamless connectivity and mobility of cellular networks. However, considering the severe inter-tier interference and limited cooperative gains resulting from the constrained and non-ideal transmissions between adjacent base stations, a new paradigm for improving both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency through suppressing inter-tier interference and enhancing the cooperative processing capabilities is needed in the practical evolution of HetNets. Cloud computing technology has emerged as a promising solution for providing high energy efficiency together with gigabit data rates across software defined wireless communication networks, in which the virtualization of communication hardware and software elements place stress on communication networks and protocols. Consequently, heterogeneous cloud radio access networks (H-CRANs) as evolution of cloud radio access networks (C-RANs)have been proposed as cost-effective potential solutions to alleviating inter-tier interference and improving cooperative processing gains in HetNets through combination with cloud computing. In this talk, we will briefly discuss some achievements in C-RANs and introduce some of our initial results in H-CRANs.


Mugen Peng received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering in 2000 from Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications (NJUPT), and a PhD degree from the Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2005. After the PhD graduation, he joined in BUPT, and has become a full professor with the school of information and communication engineering in BUPT since Oct. 2012. From Dec. 2013 to now, he is also an academic visitingfellow in Princeton University, USA. He is leading a research group focusing on wireless transmission and networking technologies in the Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications (Ministry of Education) at BUPT, China.

Dr. Peng's research areas include wireless communication theory, radio signal processing and convex optimizations, with particular interests in cooperative communication, radio network coding, self-organization networking, heterogeneous networking, and cloud communication. He has authored/coauthored more than 40 refereed IEEE journal papers and more than 200 conference proceeding papers. Dr. Peng is currently on the Editorial/Associate Editorial Board of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Access, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), China Communication, and International Journal of Communications System (IJCS). He has been the guest leading editor for the special issues in IEEE Wireless Communications, IJAP, and the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN). He was the guest editor of IET Communications. He is serving as the track chair for GameNets 2014, WCSP 2013 and ICCT 2011, the workshop co-chair of ChinaCom 2012, and the leading chair for ICC 2015 workshop on IWCPM, WCNC 2015 workshop on So-HetNets, IEEE PIMRC 2013 workshop on SON-HetNet.

Prof. Peng was honored with the Best Paper Award in GameNets 2014, CIT 2014, ICCTA 2011,IC-BNMT 2010, and IET CCWMC 2009. He was awarded the first Grade Award of Technological Invention Award in Ministry of Education of China for his excellent research work on the hierarchical cooperative communication theory and technologies, and the Second Grade Award of Science & Technical Progress from China Institute of Communications for his excellent research work on the co-existence of multi-radio access networks and the 3G spectrum management in China.