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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第5期——Solvinghighly-oscillatory NLS with SAM: numerical efficienc

讲座题目:Solvinghighly-oscillatory NLS with SAM: numerical efficiency and geometric properties



时 间:201465日(周四)下午3:30-4:30

地 点:主楼1214


In this paper, we present the StroboscopicAveraging Method (SAM), which aims at numerically solving highly-oscillatorydifferential equations. More specifically, we first apply SAM to theSchrodinger equation on the 1-dimensional torus and on the real line with harmonicpotential, with the aim of assessing its efficiency: as compared to thewell-established standard splitting schemes, the stiffer the problem is, thelarger the speed-up grows (up to a factor 100 in our tests). The geometricproperties of SAM are also explored: on very long time intervals, symmetricimplementations of the method show a very good preservation of the massinvariant and of the energy. In a second series of experiments on 2-dimensionalequations, we demonstrate the ability of SAM to capture qualitatively thelong-time evolution of the solution (without spurring high oscillations).


Yong ZHANGWolfgang Pauli Institute

Research Interests

Fast algorithms and their applications

Computational electromagnetic

Numerical methods and analysis of differential equations

Highly oscillatory system

Bose-Einstein Condensate