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澳尼斯人娱乐官方网址青年学术论坛第141期——Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD) targeting Virus, cancers and signal transduction pathways

报告人:Chun Wu (吴春





Associate Professor with tenure (2018/9-)   Chem. & Biochem. /Mol. & Cell. Biosciences, Rowan University

Visiting Professor (2018/8-) Beijing Computational Science Research Center

M. S. (Computer Science) Ph. D. (Chemistry) 2005 - University of Delaware

M. S. (Analytical Chemistry) 1999 - Xiamen University

B. S. (Chemistry) 1995 - Xiamen University


Homology modeling, molecular docking  and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are powerful  computational  tools  to  gain  insights  on  how  drugs  work  and  thus  enable  us  to  do rational drug design. Using these computational tools, a large number of CADD projects have been carried out in my labs.  

In this talk, several examples will be discussed:

1). Developing novel anti-virus drug against herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) entry using virtual screening.

2). Probing the binding of anticancer ligands to DNA/RNA G-quadruples using all-atom free ligand binding MD simulations.

3.) Probing the activation mechanism GPCR (Adreno- Dopamine-, Opioid- etc.) receptors using MD simulations with explicit membrane.